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Althoff Home Services Blog

Tips for Preventing a Sewer Backup

Sewer backups can be a major problem. In addition to being inconvenient, they can also allow germs and bacteria into your home and create a mess that’s a lot to clean up. But sewer backups are preventable when you take the right steps in advance.

We’re highlighting some tips and tricks for preventing a sewer backup from ever happening in the first place. If you suspect a sewer backup, you need to schedule sewer cleaning in Crystal Lake, give our team a call. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn our steps for protecting your home from a sewer backup.

Protect Your Drains

Your first step to preventing a sewer backup is protecting your drains. You can install mesh drain covers in each sink or tab to prevent things from entering the plumbing system to begin with. You can then remove these mesh drain covers periodically and wipe them down to remove the particles they capture before placing them back over your drains again. 

Examples of particles that might otherwise go down your drains include small pieces of soap, hair, and even food particles in the kitchen. If you have a garbage disposal, you may be thinking that it’s perfectly safe to let some food go down the drain. While that is true, you still want to be diligent about protecting your drains to prevent sewer backups. 

Schedule Preventative Maintenance

Preventative maintenance is another step you can complete to prevent a sewer backup. Our team can clean out your drains and check your plumbing system for any signs of problems. Preventative maintenance can go a long way toward protecting your home. 

But it also gives our team an opportunity to identify problems early so you can be proactive. We may be able to identify early signs that a sewer backup is impending and take steps to address it before it gets too bad. 

Know the Early Signs

It’s also important for you to know that early signs of an impending sewer backup. If you notice any bad odors coming up from the drains in your home, that’s a red flag. Each drain has a pipe design called a P-trap that captures some of the water draining out from your sinks and tubs to prevent sewage odors from wafting back up into your home. 

Smelling bad odors can mean that sewage is already backing up. You may also hear gurgling sounds in your plumbing system, especially when sinks and tubs are not in use. This is another sign that you should take very seriously. Aside from inside your home, you should also be checking your yard. 

A sewage backup may be to blame if you have any unexplained wet spots or puddles in your yard. Any, or all of the signs combined are a great reason to schedule plumbing service and let our team check out the potential problem.

Contact Althoff Home Services today to schedule an appointment with our professionals. Chicago’s Choice Since 1961. Hand It Off to Althoff!

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